[ Programming Languages ] Javascript, SQL, HTML, CSS
[ Framework & Libraries ] Express, Node.js, React
[ DB & Server ] MongoDB, Mongoose, MySQL, Sequelize
[ Others ] Git, AWS(EC2, RDS, S3), Postman, Slack, Notion
Personal Project (3 Team Members)
2020.10 - Current
[ Back-end ] Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, AWS(EC2, RDS), NGNIX
Project for One-page website where Pet Owners can communicate with each other based on their location
- Building NoSQL Database using MongoDB & Mongoose
- Creating token-based authorization and maintained secure webpage
- Studying how to Maintain secure webpage environment by using NGNIX
Codestates Final Project (6 Weeks / 4 Team Members)
2021.05 - 2021.06
[ Back-end ] Node.js, Express, MySQL, Sequelize, AWS(EC2, RDS), Multer
A project to build a website to find missing pets by building a platform to connect people
- Created DB Schema and built MySQL Database using Sequelize ORM
- Planned Server endpoint API and built CRUD using Express routers in Node.js
- Deployed project server using AWS EC2 & RDS and maintained it using pm3
- Built Image uploader using Multer & Multer-S3 and saved image information in AWS S3
Codestates First Project (4 Weeks / 3 Team Members)
2021.04 - 2021.05
[ Front-end ] React, Node.js, AWS(S3), HTML, CSS
Built an website where users can search for Game Information & write reviews
- Experienced front-end development process using React
- Created login modal, Signup, Mypage and Review page
- Implemented Responsive Web Design using Media Query
- Deployed using AWS S3
Advanced software engineering, Part-time Immersive program (4th)
2020.06 - 2021.08
Code States is a Coding Bootcamp that offers full-time and part-time web development and data science immersive courses. Students cultivate logical thinking through step-by-step algorithmic problems and get practical software development and data analytic skills with hands-on projects.
- Learned full-stack development process based on Javascript
- Experienced Pair Programming and Code Review with different person every week
- Performed intense tasks for 51 weeks & completed 2 collaborative Team Projects
- Passed a 16-week part-time pre-course and 4 IATs (Immersive Admission Test)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
BS in Agricultural and Consumer Economics (Environmental Economics and Policy concentration)
2012.08 - 2016.05
- Dean’s List (Fall 2013)
- James Scholar Honors Program (Fall 2013 - Graduation)
Work Experience
Accounting Manager
Gyunglim USA, Inc.
2016.10 - 2022.01
[ English ] Professional working proficiency
[ Korean ] Native proficiency