About me

Seul An Kim is an enthusiastic newcomer in IT industry who is looking for a new career as a Software Engineer.

She worked over 5 years as an Accounting Manager in the Automotive Industry, but she got interested in the IT industry and finished 51-week Web Development Course by Codestates (Coding Bootcamp). During this course, she did weekly pair programming and multiple team projects, which made her learn the Web Development with the importance in communication.

She experienced Web Development using Express and Node.js, and handled both RDBSM and NoSQL using MySQL & MongoDB. She also have an experience with cloud computing and deployment using AWS EC2, RDS and S3.

She likes coming up with new ideas and finding out more efficient ways in solving the issues, and would love to work in the environment where she can coordinate & contribute to the team with such aspects and learn from the experts.


Email: sakim5027@gmail.com
Phone: 217-377-0072